About the Gazetteer

On Sir Edwin Lutyens’s 154th birthday we launched the Lutyens Gazetteer. This is a working database, and we are reviewing, updating and adding records accordingly. If you have any queries, comments or additional information please email: [email protected]

The idea of creating a database of all Lutyens’s work was first discussed in the 1990s. The foundation work was undertaken by a number of past and present Lutyens Trust members including Andrew Barnett, Richard Breese, Chris Knowles, Martin Lutyens, Margaret Richardson and Tim Skelton. Images were identified as an important aspect of the gazetteer and the Lutyens Trust Photographic Archive was established in 2003. Over the years numerous people have contributed to both the photographic archive and the gazetteer by taking photographs and writing descriptions including, Rebecca Lilley, Paul Waite, Robin Prater and Peter Inskip. More recently the project was significantly advanced by Marcos Lutyens, Patrick Vercio and Anna Marie Church (Verdigris Digital) who developed the website and populated the descriptions. (Please refer to the Credits page for all those involved.)

In 2022, Cathryn Spence took over as the Manager of the Lutyens Trust, working with her colleague Robin Prater, Executive Director of Lutyens Trust America, and Marcos Lutyens, Chair of LTA trustees, Virginia Wakefield a UK based copy writer and researcher and Abigail Shelton a USA based digital collections professional were contracted. Inspired by Edwin’s motto Metiendo Vivendum – By Measure We Live – we agreed a deadline of Edwin’s birthday for going live with phase one of the gazetteer. The Lutyens Trust and Lutyens Trust America are delighted to be able to bring to fruition the labours of so many people, from so many years. We are grateful to them all for their input, involvement and support. The Lutyens Gazetteer is a significant contribution to both Trusts’s educational objectives, offering a further tool for enhancing the appreciation, study and conservation of the works of Sir Edwin Lutyens O.M., K.C.I.E., P.R.A.

A comprehensive index of the work of Sir Edwin Lutyens.