Houses. 1900 by Sir Edwin Lutyens for the second Earl of Lytton. A block of four houses forming an open court. White washed brick. Machine tile roof with 6 red brick chimney stacks. 2 storeys. 3- and 4-light glazing bar casements, those on gable ends set in corners. Arched through passage in centre of block. Diamond date panel above. Plank doors with simple flat hoods (Historic England, list ref 1102734)Bibliography
Historic England. Mulberry Cottages. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1102734Also Cited In
Bettley J, Pevsner N, Cherry B (2019) Hertfordshire. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Lawrence, R. R. (2009) The Book of the Edwardian & Interwar House [2013 ed]. London: Aurum Press.
Listing Grade
IIListing Reference
Earl of Lytton