w of the station on the Andover Road, The Old Stores, a pair of semi-detached cottages and former shop of 1897 by Lutyens for the Earl of Northbrook. He plays games with the cottages: first-floor oriels that one expects to see centrally placed under the tile-hung gables are combined into one large central oriel, apparently unsupported. Conversely, the ground-floor windows have drifted to the outer corners. (Bullen et al, 2010, p.397)II 1896 by Edwin Lutyens. Old store cottages. Brick with pebbledash, tile hung stacks, plain tiled roofs. Arts and crafts style, organised asymetry. 2 storeys, 5 window range. Right bay outshot porch over door with wide casement. Next 2 bays have a pair of tile hung gables with wide eaves over pebble- dashed lst floor, jettied in centre with 10-light casement window across it. Below, at right end 4-light casement, 5-light at left end. Next bay outshot as porch to right and over 3-light casement to left. Small 2 light casement on roof at right. Left bay has wing which projects forward 2 bays with outshot hip to front bay with 3-light dormer on roof and below to re- place shop window large late C20 bow window with brick sill. Roofs steeply pitched. Large 3 flue stacks on left wing with offset hood. Large stack between gables with offset head and ridge stack behind this and small ridge stack left of centre. (Historic England, list entry 1155586)
Bullen M, Hubbuck R, Crook J & Pevsner N (2010) Hampshire: Winchester and the North. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England.Old Stores. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1155586
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Listing Grade
IIListing Reference
Earl of Northbrook