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56-58 South Street

Gazetteer No. G0502

Date 1935

Address London, Greater London W1Y 5PB England


Beyond the Grosvenor pale, on the s side past St George’s School, Nos. 56–58: a mews refronted by Lutyens, 1935–6, with discreet but distinctive stucco detail. (Bradley & Pevsner, 2003, p.575)

SOUTH STREET TQ2880SE 1900-/80/10008 Nos 58-59 II GV Mews house and garage linked to no. 36 Hill Street (qv) by an underground corridor. Mid C18, early C19 garden front, remodelled c 1936 by Sir E Lutyens. Rendered brick; central bay articulated by mannerist feature of disappearing pilasters separating 3 1st-floor windows; outer pilasters with outer edge only which extends to, and joins, a foundation plinth. Slate hipped roof with central pediment and moulded eaves cornice. 2 storeys, 6 windows. Central bay with 2 architraved, recessed entrances having cornice woods and part-glazed, panelled doors flanking a circle-in square window. To left, a further, recessed entrance having a part-glazed, panelled door and 2-light window with small panes above. 12-pane sashes. Garden front early C19 of darkened yellow stock brick with red brick dressings. Round-arched openings to ground floor. Entrance with panelled door having narrow side -lights and radial fanlight. Recessed sashes with thick glazing bars. Interior has a mid C18 staircase with urn and baluster posts, square newels and broad hand rail; mid C18 door and doorcase to 1st floor. Lutyens’ extensive and fully-documented remodelling includes a Chinese-style latticed stair and a good living room looking out onto a sunken garden, also designed by Lutyens. (Historic England, list entry 1249967)


Bradley S & Pevsner N (2003) LONDON 6: WESTMINSTER. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Historic England.58-59, SOUTH STREET. [Online] Available from:

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