More domestic in scale are Lutyens’s big boxy houses diagonally opposite (No. 8 Little College Street, and No. 10). Built 1911–12 for the Hon. Francis McLaren, brother-in-law of the gardener Gertrude Jekyll, and his sister, Lady Norman; restored as private houses c. 1997. Here, as at No. 7 St James’s Square, Lutyens turned to the style of c. 1700 at its plainest, with fine thin red bricks, near-flush sashes and a shared hipped roof. (No. 10 has an oval staircase, and some original carved overdoors and fireplaces.) (Bradley & Pevsner, 2003, p.701)Corner House (Including No. 11 Cowley Street and 8 Little College Street) G.V. II A pair of town houses on corner site. 1911 by Edwin Lutyens for Lady Norman and Hon. F. McLaren. Fine red brick with sparing Portland stone dressings, tiled roof. Restrained neo-Georgian, carefully proportioned but with the windows scaled up. 3 storeys and 2 tiers of dormers in steep mansard. 9 windows wide with 4-window return to Little College Street and 3-window return to Cowley Street with lower 2 storey rear portion to north. Doorways almost adjoining to centre of Great Peter Street front, stone architraves with plain keyblocks and cornices over. Recessed glazing bar sashes under flat gauged arches. Stone plinth. Prominent stone eaves cornice; close set sashed dormers with flat lead roofs and cheeks. The pair holds an important site in relation to Cowley Street. (Historic England, list entry 1288975)
Bradley S & Pevsner N (2003) LONDON 6: WESTMINSTER. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England.CORNER HOUSE. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1288975
Also Cited In
Weaver, L. (1913) Houses and Gardens by E L Lutyens. London: Country Life.L, W., 1913. SOME HOUSES IN WESTMINSTER. Country Life (Archive : 1901 – 2005), 34(880), pp. axvi, axix.
Listing Grade
IIListing Reference
Lady Norman and Hon Francis McLaren