ANGERTON HALL. 1842 by John Dobson…The GARDENS were laid out in 1904 by Lutyens. Rock-faced terrace walls and fancy wrought-iron gates s of the house, a little summerhouse to the E, and pergola and gateways in the Victorian walled garden to the NE. (Bailey et al, 1992, p.147) Garden walls, gateway and 19/39 steps, south of Angerton Hall (Formerly listed as garden walling, gates, stairs and 20.10.69. terrace walling to south) GV II Walls, gateway and steps, 1904 by Lutyens. Squared and rock-faced stone with ashlar dressings; wrought-iron gates. Sunken garden adjacent to south front of Angerton Hall (q.v.) has balustraded walls linking to Hall facade. Left return has tall piers with moulded caps flanking apsidal recess; right return has similar piers holding gate with naturalistic vine decoration. Balustraded terrace wall runs east from north gate pier, with flanking stair, returning north at end of terrace. (Historic England, list entry 1042080)HARTBURN HIGH ANGERTON NZ 0985 19/41 Ha-Ha wall 25 metres south of Angerton Hall GV II Ha-Ha wall, 1904 by Lutyens. Squared stone in irregular courses. Low wall with flat coping. (Historic England, list entry 1042081)
Summerhouse, 70 metres east of Angerton Hall GV II Summerhouse, 1904 by Lutyens. Roughly-squared rock-faced stone; stone slate roof. Square. Open on all sides except for dwarf wall carrying square corner piers and intermediate circular piers; heavy cruciform beams, pyramidal roof. (Historic England, list entry 1371035)
Pevsner N, Grundy J, McCombie G, Ryder P & Welfare H (1992) Northumberland. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England. GARDEN WALLS, GATEWAY AND STEPS, SOUTH OF ANGERTON HALL. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1042080
Historic England. HA-HA WALL 25 METRES SOUTH OF ANGERTON HALL. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1042081
Historic England. SUMMERHOUSE, 70 METRES EAST OF ANGERTON HALL. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1371035
Also Cited In
Pevsner, N., Grundy, J., Ryder, P., McCombie, G., Welfare, H. (1992) Northumberland. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Listing Grade
II, II, II, IIListing Reference
1042080 1042081 1371036 1371035Client
F Straker