BELL HOUSE of 1767 (altered by Lutyens), a long, brown-brick, two-storey hosue with taller centre with Venetial window and a bell tower flanked by a pair. (Cherry & Pevsner, 1983, p.634)House. 1767, with later alterations by Sir Edwin Lutyens. Brown brick with slate roofs. 2 storeys, 5 bays with 2-storey, 5-bay extension to left and 2-storey, 1-bay extension to right. Central bay rises to 3 storeys (forming tower) surmounted by square bell turret with parapet and cornice above single window. Flanking 2-bay slightly projecting sections are pedimented with modillion cornices and oculus in each tympanum. Central timber doorcase has open modillioned pediment supported on carved consoles, alternate block sides and archivolt with masked keystone; door has decorative fanlight. Venetian window above door with bracketed sill and keystone. Flat, gauged-brick arches to sash windows with glazing bars, mostly with pilaster architraves and blind boxes. Brick band at 1st floor. INTERIOR: not inspected. (Historic England, list entry 1385409)
Cherry B & Pevsner N (1983) LONDON 2: SOUTH. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England.Bell House. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1385409
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Lady Lucas