Garden at Esholt, Sheffield.Client: Mr A.J.Hobson
No plans have been found. Lutyens priced the work for a small garden at £500. I have not traced this garden, but I hear from Dr. Michael Tooley of Durham University that he has, though nothing significant survives. (Brown, 1994, p.168)
On Fulwood Road…Esholt House (No. 381), brick with half-timbered gables, built c. 1897 for A. J. Hobson, Master Cutler that year, has a garden alcove, steps and potting shed of 1905 by Edwin Lutyens, carried out in stone, plain almost astylar. (Harman et al, 2019, p.590)
Garden alcove and steps, and adjoining potting shed. 1905. By Edwin Lutyens for AJ Hobson. Coursed squared stone with brick dressings. Both buildings are backed by an earth bank and retaining wall. Half-dome alcove, to left, has brick bands and rock-faced keystone. In the alcove, a semicircular stone bench around the wall. Over the alcove, a flagged landing, and on either side, flagged steps, with smaller landings. Potting shed, to right, has segment-arched roof of concrete slabs laid lengthwise, bordered by a shallow parapet. 4 oval windows. Right return has a round-headed door. INTERIOR has a cross wall with round-arched opening and segment-arched roof. AJ Hobson was Master Cutler c1897, and No.381 Fulwood Road (Esholt House, not included) was built at that time. (Historic England, list entry 1270586)
Brown, J. (1994) Gardens of a golden afternoon: The story of a partnership, Edwin Lutyens & Gertrude Jekyll. London: Penguin Books.Harman, R., Pevsner, N. and Harper, R. (2019) Yorkshire west riding: Sheffield and the South. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Historic England.GARDEN ALCOVE STEPS AND ADJOINING POTTING SHED 50 METRES SOUTH EAST OF NUMBER 381 (NOT INCLUDED). [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1270586
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A J Hobson