Framfield Place. The steep pitched roofs and quoins tell of an earlier c18 house but the exterior was largely remodelled in 1837. Stuccoed, the centre sections of both main fronts have broad canted bays. Greek Doric porch and a Greek Doric loggia on the garden front. Norman Shaw made alterations in 1892 for Francis Baxendale. He added the sw wing and the billiard room on the e side (the upper storey was added much later). The billiard room has delicate Adam-style plasterwork. For the drawing room Shaw brought in Lutyens, then at the start of his career, who designed its ceiling of beams set in chequerboard fashion, in parody of Shaw’s Old English manner. More conventionally Shaw is the arcaded chimneypiece. (Antram, 2013, p.398)Early-mid C19, remodelled by Norman Shaw and Sir Edwin Lutyens. Two storeys. Six windows. Stuccoed. Cornice and blocking course. Slate roof. Two bays of 3 windows each. Sash windows with glazing bars on first floor, French windows below. Central Doric porch. Doric loggia on garden front. Long domestic and nursery wing added to west in late C19. The interior includes an elliptical billiard room, with neo-Adam plaster decoration by Norman Shaw; good staircase with plaster frieze; and a saloon with neo-Jacobean panelling by Lutyens but in the style of Norman Shaw. (Historic England, list entry 1028364)
Antram, N. (2013) Sussex: East with Brighton and Hove. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England. FRAMFIELD PLACE. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1028364
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II*Listing Reference
F H Baxendale