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Gravestone to Rt Hon Harold John Tennant

Gazetteer No. G0649


Address Corgarff cemetery Corgarff, Aberdeenshire AB36 8YL Scotland


Corgarff Cemetery, 0.6 km. e on the A939. Rubble-walled enclosure, laid out in 1869. – Three simple Neoclassical stones to the Tennants of Edinglassie (q.v.): the statesman Harold John Tennant (†1935); his wife, May, who was a pioneer social reformer (†1946); Lt.-Col. Archibald Tennant (†1955) and his wife, Diana (†2011), all to a uniform design reportedly by Edwin Lutyens. (Sharples et al, 2015, p.422)


Sharples, J., Walker, D.W. and Woodworth, M. (2015) Aberdeenshire: South and Aberdeen. The Buildings of Scotland. New Haven: Yale University Press.

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