Hersin C.C.E. was first a French cemetery taken over by the British Field Ambulance Corps in March 1916. Miss Jekyll proposed the special feature of Rosa Madame Plantier and pink China roses where the French and British graves meet. There are 224 British Empire burials. The Assistant Architect was William Harrison Cowlishaw (1870-1957), the Arts and Crafts architect. The cemetery was constructed in 1923. (Amery et al, 1981, Cat no. 293)Bibliography
Amery, C., Richardson, M. and Stamp, G., (1981) Lutyens, the Work of the English Architect Sir Edwin Lutyens (1869-1944): Hayward Gallery London, 18 November 1981 – 31 January 1982. London: Arts Council of Great Britain.Also Cited In
Geurst, J. (2010) Cemeteries of the Great War by Sir Edwin Lutyens. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.Listing Grade
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Imperial War Graves Commission