LOWESBY HALL. The core of the house, not visible now, probably dates from the c17. It is of Ketton stone. In an outbuilding to the NE, one mullioned window. The present house is probably due to Isaac Wollaston who in 1707 had a ‘quanci’m mansionalem structura sua magnificam perquam splendicam et ornatam’. A brick mansion of two storeys, eleven bays wide towards the garden (s), nine, with typical projecting wings, towards the entrance (N). Hipped roof with timber dentil cornice. Central pediment on both sides, the N one with the Wollaston arms, the s one with three windows. On the N front, a two-storey addition was made between the wings to provide corridors, probably sometime in the C 19: see over the entrance the arms of the Fowkes, who succeeded the Wollastons in 1814. Facsimile sashes and doorcase this side. The principal doorways (N, s, w) have swan-neck pediments on consoles and decorated friezes. On the garden front the continuous brick string course rises over it and the flanking windows. This door is reached by six curved steps with a handsome wrought-iron balustrade. To the r. (E) of the garden front, a two-storey wing, slightly lengthened in 1910 for Captain Brassey by Lutyens (see a few of his details towards the service yard). He also laid out the garden with Jekyll with a more formal s terrace and his characteristic circular-plan steps further s.Inside, the decoration of the principal room is early C 18. A painting covers the ceiling and cove with a sparsely populated mythological scene: said to have been left incomplete. Plain three-quarter panelling, strangely proportioned classical doorcases, and a bolection-moulded fireplace. The staircase is a very curious remodelling of the original well type to adjust it to the necessities of the N corridor. Half the first flight is now turned and stands free, supported on Corinthian columns. Three balusters to the tread, alternately daintily twisted and fluted above fine acanthus vases. Acanthus-carved tread-ends, hand-rail, and strings on the landings. Secondary staircase with a closed string and half-turned, half-twisted balusters of curious form. STABLES. 1910 by Lutyens. They look c 18. Brick, with central pediment and cupola. (Pevsner & Williamson, 2003, pp.296-7)
Pevsner N & Williamson E (2003) Leicester and Rutland. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Also Cited In
Pevsner, N., Williamson, E., Brandwood, G.K. (1984) Leicestershire. The Buildings of England. London: Penguin.Listing Grade
IIListing Reference
Capt Harold Brassey