Beyond them Mulberry Cottages, a terrace of four, 1900, and Mulberry Tree Cottage, 1910, by Lutyens, both in painted brick. (Bettley et al, 2019, p.343)House. 1910 by Sir Edwin Lutyens. Long asymmetrical range built of whitewashed brick, the roof machine tiled. 1 storey and attics. Glazing bar casements and brick mullioned windows with leaded lights. Slight central projection with a door on right in a 2-storey gabled bay, extended on right with a later lean-to addition. Left of door is a 6-light brick-mullioned leaded window band. Bracketed eaves. Left end of range has gabled garage projection with tile creasing corbels and to the right of this a through passage with a chanelled brick centre pier. 2 hipped dormers. Large glazing bar casements to rear elevation. (Historic England, list entry 1174660)
Bettley J, Pevsner N, Cherry B (2019) Hertfordshire. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England.MULBERRY TREE COTTAGE. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1174660
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Miss Plowden