The issue of how to incorporate the names of the fallen is a critical decision for any war memorial. In many cases it is straightforward and the names are carved into the stonework itself. However, it can be particularly problematic for the larger memorials in towns and cities due to the number of names involved. One solution can be to include them in a suitable book that is on public display or, as happened on occasions, to write them onto a scroll that was incorporated within the memorial itself. However Norwich took a different decision, unique within Lutyens’s memorial work, to put them on a series of folding panels within a large wooden cabinet, which became known as the Roll Of Honour.The making of the panels proved to be controversial. It was proposed that they be sited in the Castle, although the committee that ran the building were initially unhappy. Furthermore, when the panels were delivered in June 1929, not only were they over the budget but the quality was not felt to be good enough. Alterations were made and Lutyens generously agreed to fund the extra cost of £23/10/0. The completed Roll was finally put on display on 13 January 1931. In 2016 it was decided to move the Roll to the foyer of the Town Hall so that it is more publicly available but, critically, close to the memorial itself. It was rededicated by the Bishop of Norwich on 11 November 2016. (Contributor: Tim Skelton)
Also Cited In
Norwich Roll of Honour. Lutyens, the City Memorial and the Roll of Honour. [Online] Available from: http://www.norwichrollofhonour.org.ukListing Grade
City Hall: II* (Roll of Honour not listed separately)Listing Reference