Country House, now offices. 1906 by F.T.Baggallay for a Mr.Hore. 1914 additions by Sir E.Lutyens for S.de la Rue, extended later C20. Stuccoed brick. Machine tiled roof. Wrennaissance Style. 2 storeys. 7 bay front, 2:3:2. Central 3 bays under broken mutuled pediment with cartouche and swags. Entrance in porch with attached Greek Ionic doorcase, foliate frieze, pediment broken at base and apex. Glazing bar sashes with architraves, keyed on ground floor and first floor centre. Double step back to flanking bays with quoins at angles. Glazing bar sashes in deep reveals. Mutuled eaves cornice. Double span hipped roof. Roughcast capped stacks flanking central 3 bays and on left hip. Attached to right and set back is 2 bay addition by Lutyens. Right return: 2 ground floor windows with quoined surrounds. First floor: 3 medallions with festoons, flanking slit windows. Plat band returned. Rear: 2:3:2. Centre: large ground floor bow, entrance to right under semi-circular hood. Parapet ramped up to short piers between bays. Hexagonal ridge turret, bellcote with ogee dome and weathervane. Attached to front left are rambling 2 storey extensions. Glazing bar sashes. Cornice below coped parapet. Interior: stairs, panelling, plasterwork and chimneypieces in C17 and C18 styles. The billiard room is by Lutyens and has Ionic columns and marble chimney pieces. Attached to right end of front wall is a low red brick wall by Lutyens with a round-headed entrance, pilasters and pantile coping. (Historic England, list entry 1175524)Bibliography
Historic England.Shenley Hall.[Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1175524Also Cited In
Bettley J, Pevsner N, Cherry B (2019) Hertfordshire. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Listing Grade
IIListing Reference
Mr S de la Rue