House, now shop. 1892 by Sir Edwin Lutyens for the Bray estate. Red brick below with colourwashed roughcast above and plain tiled roof. Single storey and attic under gabled, tile hung four-light leaded casement dormer to right. Large multiple stack to ridge to right of centre under corbelled top. First floor jettied on rounded bressumer with dentill-type pattern and braced post to right end. Projecting square bay window to left end and angle bay window to right. Recessed ground floor left with six leaded windows, one four-light leaded casement to right. Half glazed door to left of centre in angle of bay, half glazed door under braced hood to re-entrant angle with wing. Further door to right. (Historic England, list entry 1029451)Down MIDDLE STREET on the W a half-timbered former barber’s SHOP (now café) by Lutyens, 1892, with an oversailing plaster upper floor and (originally) a little tiled seat below the overhang, designed for the villagers waiting their turn. (O’Brien et al., 2022, p.642)
Historic England. GEORGE AND OLWEN’S COUNTRY STORE. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1029451O’Brien, C., Nairn, I. and Cherry, B. (2022) Surrey. Pevsner Architectural Guides: Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Also Cited In
Nairn, I., Pevsner, N. (1971) Surrey (Pevsner Architectural Guides: Buildings of England). 2nd edn. Yale University Press.Listing Grade
IIListing Reference
Sir Reginald Bray