1898 by Sir Edwin Lutyens. 2 and 3 storey cottages in a vernacular style. Red brick ground floors, tile hung upper floors with gabled, gambrel and hipped tiled roofs. Red brick chimneystacks. Wood mullioned leaded casement windows. Irregular grouping of masses: to left, 2 storeys with tile hung gable, to right, 3 storeys with gambrel roof, to centre, 1 storey brick rising to 2 storeys on left. (Historic England, list entry 1078070)125 yds se of the church Snatchup End Cottages, a group of four by Lutyens, 1898, for Shendish estate workers. Red brick with one and two upper floors of tile-hanging. Picturesquely grouped with internal yards. (Bettley et al, 2019, p.273)
Bettley J, Pevsner N, Cherry B (2019) Hertfordshire. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England. Snatchup End cottages. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1078070
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Arthur Longham