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Stonehouse Court (now Stonehouse Court Hotel)

Gazetteer No. G0165

Date 1906

Address Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 3RA England


Former large country house, now hotel. Dated 1601 for Daniel Fowler; altered 1906 by E.L. Lutyens for A.S. Winterbotham; internal rebuilding with alterations after 1908 fire. Random rubble limestone; ashlar chimneys; stone slate roof. Two-storey with attic and cellar; U-plan with 2-storey porch on north side. North front: 2 parapet gables with projecting gabled ashlar- fronted porch between with hoodmould to round-arched opening reached by semi-circular stone steps; datestone over is C19 or early C20, ‘ER 43/ 1601’; 2-light mullioned casement with pointed heads above. Three-window mullioned and transomed fenestration either side of porch are early C20 replacements, all with leaded casements and hoodmoulds. Small 2-light with arched heads in each gable; 2 small hipped roof dormers between gables; chamfered mullioned casements of 2, 3 and 4-light to cellar. Many diagonal- set chimneys with moulded caps; especially large cluster at west end. Small Gothic doorway in attached screen wall at west end. East end: 2 parapet gables, left with projecting chimney having cluster of 5 diagonal shafts; scattered fenestration. South front: parapet gable ends of 2 wings with early C20 altered main range between. Single-window fenestration to wings, all mullioned or mullioned and transomed with hoodmoulds and leaded casements, mostly dating from rebuilding after fire. Off-centre octagonal 2- storey bay window with chamfered parapet top-is addition by Lutyens surviving fire; eaves-mounted chimney with 2 diagonal shafts adjoins to right and, in corner against east wing, tall octagonal stair turret with scattered single stair-lights and 4-centred doorway with inscription over: ‘QVOD RESVRREXI / CAROLINAE EST / MCMVIII’, was built as fire escape after fire. West end: parapet gable to end of main range. Two-storey brick service wing. Interior: fine Baroque stone fireplace in main hall has scrolled pediment and large pedestal-mounted cartouche. Most panelling post-1908 except for main room in west wing which has original timber Jacobean fireplace and panelling. Staircase has segmental tunnel vault with banded plaster decoration at upper floor level and typical Lutyens construction with Surrey-style framed panel above large Tudor arch. Distinctive design of stepped beam stops. (Historic England, list entry 1340682)


Historic England. STONEHOUSE COURT HOTEL. [Online] Available from:

Also Cited In

Verey D & Brooks A, (2002) Gloucestershire 2: Vale and Forest. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.

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A S Winterbottom