The cemetery was constructed during the war for the Casualty Clearing Stations. The graves are situated in a field that lies higher than the sunken road, and the cemetery is accessible via an easy staircase with two plateaux that leads the visitor into the graveyard. The stairway goes around the Cross of Sacrifice, a solution that Lutyens and Goldsmith also applied in Hangard Communal Cemetery Extension.The slightly ascending wide field with graves is surrounded on three sides by a low brick wall into which a storage space has been incorporated.[182] The embankments on the roadside are covered in shrubs. In the corners next to the road, there are two young rowan trees. On the west side, a row of fruit trees form the backdrop to the cemetery. (Geurst, 2010, p.411)
Geurst, J. (2010) Cemeteries of the Great War by Sir Edwin Lutyens. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.Also Cited In
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Imperial War Graves Commission