WARREN MERE, 1½ m. NE, adjoining the Common. Formerly WARREN LODGE, a timber-framed house rebuilt by Lutyens in 1896–7 for Robert and Barbara Webb (cf. Milford House, p. 525) and where he and Emily Lytton honeymooned. Compact, just four rooms, with porch to a hall on the W side, open at its S end to a passage to the stair (SE corner), a winder type with three treads per flight round a solid square with circular windows lighting the top flight. The dining room E of the hall has two polygonal bay windows under a kick of tiling. Further extended N for service rooms and bedrooms over in 1922 by C. Biddulph-Pinchard.* He enlarged the small drawing room and library at the S end, adding a wide dormer into Lutyens’s catslide roof, and made a smoking room on the W front with polygonal bay. A conservatory now fills the middle section where Lutyens had a service passage from dining room to kitchen. Interior extensively altered.* The 2nd edition of Surrey credited this work to Lutyens in 1909 for Lord Stamfordham but drawings in the Surrey History Centre confirm the true architect. (O’Brien et al., 2022, pp.683-4)
House. 1896-97 built by Sir E. Lutyens, extended in 1909 by Lutyens for Lord Stamfordham. Red and brown brick below, tile hung above with hipped and half-hipped plain tiled roofs, some with gablets. Long “E” shaped range to rear centre and left with half-hipped projecting wing to centre in front and further wing to right.
Two storeys, single storey service range to left. Square corbelled stacks to left side of right hand wing, and further stacks to rear centre and left. Half-hipped wing to right. Three casement windows across the first floor under continuous tile drip course. Tile hanging swept out over ground floor below. Angle bay window to right under hipped roof. Half-hipped end to rear range adjacent to wing and set back between front hipped range. One first floor casement under tiled pent course and one ground floor window in end wing. One three-light casement under eaves of projecting wing; tile hanging swept out over open ground floor on four square wooden pillars. Single storey brick range to left with angle bay projecting under hipped roof. Four-light window to the other side of a projecting wall. Single storey L-shaped wing with hipped roofs, end wing projecting to left with tall stack. Main entrance to ground floor of hipped wing behind four pillars. Originally set in Gertrude Jekyll garden. (Historic England, list entry 1260848)
O’Brien, C., Nairn, I. and Cherry, B. (2022) Surrey. Pevsner Architectural Guides: Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.Historic England. Warren Mere. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1260848
Also Cited In
Nairn, I., Pevsner, N. (1971) Surrey (Pevsner Architectural Guides: Buildings of England). 2nd edn. Yale University Press.Listing Grade
IIListing Reference
Robert W Webb