Wooden Doric column raised on a marble pedestal atop of which is a statue of St George slaying the dragon. The main part of the column is black but the upper part, including the statue is white, where it is seen to great effect in front of the blue painted ceiling behind. The main inscription is carried on the wall of the apse within which the memorial stands. Similar to Mells but with a wooden Union Flag on the front. Marble lectern holding a book with the names of the fallen. A delicate and unknown memorial. Unveiled on 24 October 1922 by the Duke of Connaught. (Skelton, 2008, Appendix 1)In the N aisle apse, which is cased in grey marble, a powerful First World War MEMORIAL by Lutyens, 1922. Plain white marble base supporting a black marble Doric column, its base and capital in white marble. At the top a figure of St Michael and the Dragon, and against the column a surprisingly life-like coloured carving of the Union Jack hanging loosely from a wreathed top. (Tyack et al, 2010, p.262)
Gliddon, G. and Skelton, T.J. (2008) Lutyens and the Great War. London: Frances Lincoln.Tyack G, Bradley S, Pevsner N (2010) Berkshire. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Also Cited In
Pevsner, N. (1966) Berkshire. The Buildings of England. Harmondsworth: Penguin.Listing Grade
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