Circa 1900, by Lutyens. Two storeys, front gable (one window) and porch to west side below a low eaves. Prominent red tile roof, with a massive stack attached to the south side. Tile-hung upper walls, above red brickwork (Flemish bond), headed casements. Recessed porch with slotted pillars. (Historic England, list entry 1092890) Daneshill Cottage and The Old Lodge, e on Daneshill Drive, are both by Lutyens, the latter especially complete with broad leaded windows and tile-hanging.The brickworks stood downhill, within sight of the house. On Bilton Road are its offices (now in the Daneshill Industrial Estate), also by Lutyens, c. 1903, making great use of moulded brick for lively details including two splendid chimneys. (Bullen et al, 2010, p.169)
Historic England. Daneshill Old Lodge. [Online] Available from: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1092890Bullen M, Hubbuck R, Crook J & Pevsner N (2010) Hampshire: Winchester and the North. The Buildings of England. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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